Yarn - Bernat Cotton-ish (color: GREY T - SHIRT) / light 3 / 2.4 oz (70 g) / 282 yards (258 m) / 5 balls needed
Hook - 1 (2.75 mm) or other size hook needed for the gauge
Gauge - About 1 pineapple in 3.5 inches
Blouse Size - US 6
Complexity - Intermediate

Crochet button up cardigan - pineapple pattern
Step-by-step crochet instructions
Step 1
Make a foundation chain of 105 chains or multiples of 10 chains plus 5 additional chains. I count all the chains including the loop on the hook.
Step 2
Add 10 chains
1st row – [sc9, ch1] to last 13 chs; sc13 plus RC3
2nd row – h4ch, [dc2 on 1ch, ch1, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch1, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk1, (sc1, ch1, sk1) x 3] to last 3 chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch1, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, dc2 on 1ch + RC3
3rd row – h4ch, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk2, sc1, ch3, sk1, sc1, ch2] to last 9 chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch + RC3
Step 3
Pineapple pattern increasing chains
4th row – h4ch, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4] to last 14 chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3, dc3 on 1ch + RC3
5th row – h4ch, dc2 on 1ch, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, sk5] to last 19chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc4 on 1ch + RC3
6th row – h4ch, [dc2 on 1ch, ch1, CL1, ch1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4] to last 4chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch1, CL1, ch1, dc2 on 1ch + RC 3
7th row – h4ch, [dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch1, sk2, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4] to last 7 chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch1, sk2, dc2 on 1ch + RC3
8th row – h4ch, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4] to last 9 chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch + RC3
Repeat the pattern starting from 4th row until you crochet 21 rows then join the back and front parts together skipping shoulder parts.
Step 4
Join front and back parts
22nd row – work the pattern for 2 PAs, join 2nd with 6th PA, skipping 3 shoulder PAs. Continue the pattern the regular way for 5 PAs, the connect 10th with 14th PA, skipping 3 shoulder PAs again. Crochet the pattern for the remaining 2 PAs as usual.
Continue the pattern increasing chains for two more rows.
23rd row = 8th row
24th row = h4ch, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4] to last 14 chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3, dc4 on 1ch + RC3
Step 5
Work the pattern without increasing chains
25th row – h4ch, dc1, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, sk5] to last 19chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc3 on 1ch + RC3
26th row – h4ch, dc1, ch1, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, CL1, ch1] to last 25chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk1, dc1 + RC3
27th row – h4ch, dc2, ch1, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch1, sk2] to last 22chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk1, dc2 + RC3
28th row – h4ch, dc3, ch1, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3] to last 19chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk1, dc3 + RC3
29th row – h4ch, dc4, ch1, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3] to last 16chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk1, dc4 + RC3
30th row – h4ch, dc5, ch1, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, sk5, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4] to last 13chs; dc2 on 1ch, sk5, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk1, dc5 + RC3
31st row – h4ch, dc5, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, ch1, CL1, ch1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4] to last 10 chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch1, CL1, ch1, dc2 on 1ch, sk1, dc5 + RC3
32nd row – h4ch, dc4, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch1, sk2, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4] to last 12 chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch1, sk2, dc2 on 1ch, sk1, dc4 + RC3
33rd row – h4ch, dc3, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4] to last 13chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, sk1, dc3 + RC3
34th row – h4ch, dc2, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4,] to last 16chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, sk1, dc2 + RC3
35th row – h4ch, dc1, sk1, [dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, sk5] to last 19chs; dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, sk1, dc1 + RC3
Repeat the pattern starting from the 26th row until you reach the desired length of the cardigan.
Step 6
Sleeves – working the pattern in the round
Attach the yarn from the bottom of a sleeve
1st round (wrong side) – ch3, dc1, [ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1*) on 1ch, ch1, sk2, dc2 on 1ch] to last 23 chs; ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch1, sk2 + sl.st. 1 (3rd ch. after st.pt.)
*dc1 – in the very 1st round, work a cluster instead of the second double crochet in order to avoid developing a hole, but for all the following rounds, whenever you repeat the pattern, work just regular dc.
2nd round – ch3, dc1, [ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch] to last 21chs; ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1(3rd ch. after st.pt.)
3rd round – ch3, dc1, [ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch] to last 22 chs; ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1(3rd ch. after st.pt.)
4th round – ch3, dc1, [sk5, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch] to last 23 chs; sk5, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4 + sl.st.1(3rd ch. after st.pt.)
5th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.ch., [ch1, CL1, ch1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch] to last 24chs; ch1, CL1, ch1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4 + sl.st.1(3rd ch. after st.pt.)
6th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.ch., [ch1, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch1, sk2, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch] to last 23chs; ch1, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch1, sk2, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4 + sl.st.1(3rd ch. after st.pt.)
7th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.ch, [ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch] to last 21chs; ch2, sk3, tr6 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4 + sl.st.1(3rd ch. after st.pt.)
8th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.ch, [ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch] to last 27chs; ch2, sk3, (dc2 on 1ch) x 5, dc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4 + sl.st.1(3rd ch. after st.pt.)
9th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.ch, [ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, sk5, dc1 on 1ch] to last 23chs; ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, sk5 + sl.st.1(3rd ch. after st.pt.)
10th round – ch3, dc1, [ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, CL1, ch1, dc2 on 1ch] to last 27chs; ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, CL1, ch1 + sl.st.1(3rd ch. after st.pt.)
Repeat the pattern starting from the 1st round
Step 7
Edges, buttons, and buttonholes
Work sc for all the edges.
Sew buttons making 7 rows intervals between each button or as desired.
Work 9** chains for each buttonhole making 7 rows intervals between each buttonhole as well.
** the number might vary depending on the size of the chosen buttons.
Planning point.
If it is necessary to adjust the crochet project to a different size, plan ahead how many pineapples you need to work to make the width accordingly to your chest circumference.

ch – chain
CL – cluster
dc – double crochet
dc on 1ch – double crochet on one chain
h4ch – hook into 4th chain from the hook
RC – returning chain
sc – single crochet
sk – skip a chain
sl.st. – slip stitch
tr – triple crochet

Crochet pineapple stitch cardigan
Here it is...I decided not to
Here it is...I decided not to sew buttons on it
Hi krisl,
Hi krisl,
Your cardigan looks beautiful! Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing your work with us. I appreciate it. Happy crochet!
Here's the front
Here's the front
I love the idea to go without
I love the idea to go without buttons. It is very impressive and accurate work. Thanks for posting it again. Blessings!
Hi Sana
Hi Sana
Please see attached sample I did like you suggested. Have I got the correct measurement for one pineapple. If so my gauge is 3.25 inches.
How many chains do I need to crochet a size US14.
Hi SSeaman18,
Hi SSeaman18,
Thank you for the sample. One pineapple is a little bit wider than that, so I assume it is about 4 inches wide. With that gauge, I would not advise you to add pineapples just do everything accordingly to the pattern. If your tension is not 4", I would suggest using one size larger crochet hook few rows before you will start joining your back and front parts together to widen the garment. Your pattern did not work because the trc6 should go into middle Vst or between (dc1, ch1, dc1) into one chain.The red arrow shows where the trc6 need to be. Happy crochet!
Hi Sana , thanks for that but
Hi Sana , thanks for that but the pattern is a size US6 and I would need a size US14. So I would need to add extra pineapples.
To make the size US14, it is
To make the size US14, it is necessary to add just one pineapple/repeat, but then it won't be possible to split pineapples between back and front parts because it is important to increase an even number of repeats. In other words, if you add pineapples, it should be at least 2. If you need the cardigan to fit loosely, then it would be ok to add 2 pineapples. If not, then it is necessary to adjust gauge. If your one pineapple would be 4 inches wide, then it would fit your size without the need to add pineapples. My advise to you is to try adjusting your gauge first. If you decide to add pineapples, I'll help you with that.
Hi Sana please can you send
Hi Sana please can you send me a sample of one pineapple and put a marker on either side so I can see exactly how you measure one pineapple. I would really appreciate that. Thanks.
Hi SSeaman18,
Hi SSeaman18,
I measure one repeat/pineapple as shown in the picture below.