Part 2 video tutorial
Front part
Skip one repeat/arch from the back part and attach the yarn between 3rd and 4th dc clusters.
1st row (right side) – sc1, ch3, sk3, [sc1, ch3, sc1 under ch between 7th and 8th dc CL, ch3, trc dec1, ch3, sc1 under ch between 2nd and 3rd dc CL, ch3, sk2, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1] x 3 + RC3
2nd row (wrong side) – h4ch, dc1, [ch1, sk3, Vst1] to last 4chs; ch1, sk3, dc2 into 1ch + RC1
3rd row = 5th row (back part)
4th row = 6th row (back part)
5th row = 3rd row (back part)
Join the back and front parts together
Slip a last loop of the 5th row (front part) on the crochet hook. You should have 2 loops on your hook.
6th row (wrong side) - sc1 into ch above trc ch of prev.row, sc1 under ch, ch2, trc dec1*, ch2, [sc1 under ch, ch1, sk1, sc1 under ch, ch2, trc dec1*, ch2] to last 3chs; sk1, sc2 + ch19 (for the size XS – ch9 and for the size L – ch29)
Join front and back parts into a ring with the slip stich into the 1st sc ch. Turn the work to the right side of the garment.
1st round – ch1, (ch1, sk4, shell1, sk4, sc1) x 2, [ch1, sk3, shell1, sk3, sc1] x 8 or to underarm, (ch1, sk4, shell1, sk4, sc1) x 2, [ch1, sk3, shell1, sk3, sc1] x 7, ch1, sk3, shell1, sk3 + into 1st ch
2nd round – ch3, trc1 under ch between 1st and 2nd trc sts, ch2, sc1 under ch, ch1, sk1, sc1 under ch, ch2, [trc dec1*, ch2, sc1 under ch, ch1, sk1, sc1 under ch, ch2] to end; work unfinished trc under ch + into 4th ch
3rd round – ch5, (trc1, ch1) x 2 into, sk3, sc1, [ch1, sk3, shell1, sk3, sc1] to last 4chs; ch1, sk3, (trc1, ch1) x 2 into 1ch + into 4th ch
4th round – ch2, sc1 under ch, ch2, trc dec1*, ch2, [sc1 under ch, ch1, sk1, sc1 under ch, ch2, trc dec1*, ch2] to end; sc1 under ch + under 2chs
5th round – ch1, [ch1, sk3, shell1, sk3, sc1] to last repeat; ch1, sk3, shell1, sk3 + into 1st ch
Repeat the pattern starting from the 2nd round until you crochet to about your waistline, and then use a larger size crochet hook (G) to widen the garment from the bottom.
Attach the yarn to the initial foundation chain and work 4 chains to pick up the height of the 1st round.
1st round – ch4, dc1 into, ch3, sk2, sc1, dc7 under arch of 3chs, sk2, sc1, ch3, sk2, [Vst1, ch3, sk2, sc1, dc7 under arch of 3chs, sk2, sc1, ch3, sk2] to end + into 3rd ch
Use a smaller size crochet hook (E)
2nd round – ch2, sc1 under ch, (ch1, dc1) x 7 above dc7 of prev.round, ch1, [(sc1, ch2, sc1) into Vst under ch, (ch1, dc1) x 7 above dc7 of prev.round, ch1] to end + into chs
3rd round – ch2, sk2, (dc CL1, ch1) x 7, [sc1 under arch of 2chs, ch1, sk2, (dc CL1, ch1) x 7] to end + into 1st ch
Attach the yarn underarm
1st round – ch4, [sk interval*, sc1, ch3] to 4th round; sc1 under ch between 7th and 8th dc CL, ch3, trc dec1, ch3, sc1 under ch between 2nd and 3rd dc CL, ch3, sk2, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch3, sc1 under ch between 7th and 8th dc CL, ch3, trc dec1, ch3, sc1 under ch between 2nd and 3rd dc CL, ch3, [sk interval*, sc1, ch3] to end + into 1st ch
At the end of the 1st round, you should have 18 arches of 3 chs or multiples of 2 arches.
2nd round – ch4, dc1, [ch1, sk3, Vst1] to last 3chs; ch1, sk3 + into 3rd ch
3rd round – sc1, ch1, sk3, shell1, [sk3, sc1, ch1, sk3, shell1] to end + above 1st sc ch
4th round = 2nd round (body)
5th round = 3rd round (body)
6th round – ch2, sc1 under ch, ch1, trc dec1*, ch1, [sc1 under ch, ch1, sk1, sc1 under ch, ch1, trc dec1*, ch1] to end; sc1 under ch + under 2chs
sc to end
Judy replied on Permalink
Hello, can you please tell me
Hello, can you please tell me where you get your cotton-ish yarn from? Here in the United States it's getting impossible to find. Thank you so much for the information and also thank you so much for the beautiful patterns. Every blouse I've ever made from your patterns, have fit so beautifully. Sincerely, Judy Rogers
Judy replied on Permalink
Hello Sweety, I tried to ask
Hello Sweety, I tried to ask you this question last night but do not see where it posted so let me try this again. I am wondering if you could tell me where you purchase your cotton-ish brand yarn at? I am having trouble finding it in the United States now. Also tysm for the beautiful shirts and such awesome teaching if it. Have a blessed day and look forward to hearing from you. Ty, Judy
Sana replied on Permalink
Hi Judy,
Hi Judy,
You may use any yarn you like for the pattern. The most important thing is your gauge to get the right size. I used to purchase the yarn from my local craft store, but I do not see it there any more. Happy crochet!
meeta replied on Permalink
Dear Teacher,
Dear Teacher,
Good evening. I want to stich same pattern but in small size. what would be the count in begining chain and how many repeats
Sana replied on Permalink
Hi meeta,
Hi meeta,
For the size Small, you may follow the pattern exactly or use one size smaller crochet hooks, depending on how you want the blouse to fit you. Happy crochet!
meeta replied on Permalink
Dear Sana Teacher,
Dear Sana Teacher,
Thank you so much for replying. I learned crochet looking on youtube and diagrams with no mentor. Now i have a mentor. I am very happy. God bless you. Have a nice day. I will post once done. thank you thank you again.
Sana replied on Permalink
You're welcome, meeta. I'll
You're welcome, meeta. I'll be glad to see your work. Happy crochet!
Luz Baculanta replied on Permalink
Hi Sana, I finally finish my
Hi Sana, I finally finish my blouse after all my troubles. The only thing is the neckline doesn't look the same as yours. Mine is too loose so I had to do SC decrease till it fit my size. Do you have any idea how to do the neckline without SC decrease. Pls. advise. Thanks.
Sana replied on Permalink
Hi Luz,
Hi Luz,
If you will pause the video at 14:37, you'll see that I worked the same number of dc sts in the 2nd round as in the 1st round. I counted that you have 7 dc sts in the 1st round and 9 dc sts in the 2nd round. I apologize for the confusion. I'll update the written instruction. If the 7 dc sts won't be enough, you may work dc6 instead of dc7.
I also would suggest you to work 2 extra arches of 3 chs to work one more repeat and cover the hole from the right (sleeve). If you do not won't sleeves to be wider than they are now, you may skip move chs to make bigger intervals between sc sts and work fewer repeats. Happy crochet!
Luz Baculanta replied on Permalink
Hi Sana, thank you for the
Hi Sana, thank you for the update instruction, I was gonna fix it and frag the neckline but I can't find where I attach the yarn to the neck so I will not bother for now ,and the sleeves they're find right now but the hole I just notice it when you told me. Is there a way that I can fix the hole without start all over? I thought I was following the pattern right but I was wrong.