Yarn - Bernat Softee Baby / light 3 / 5 oz (140 g) / 362 yards (331 m) / 2 balls needed
Hook - I-9 (5.5 mm) or other size hook needed for the gauge
Size - XS/S
Gauge - One repeat go into about 3 inches (8 cm)
Complexity - Advanced beginner

Part 1
Begin crocheting from the bottom to top.
Make a foundation chain of 101 chs or multiples of 8 chs plus 5 additional chs (I do not count one chain).
1st row – h4ch, dc1, [RHF1, ch2, sk2, sc1, ch2, sk2, LHF1, dc1] to last 1ch; dc1 + RC2
2nd row – h4ch, dc1, [sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc1 above dc of prev.row] to last 1ch; dc1 + RC2
3rd row – h4ch, dc1, [RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc of prev.row, dc1 above dc of prev.row] to last 1ch; dc1 + RC2
Repeat the pattern starting from the 2nd row until you crochet about to your armpits.
Part 2
First front part
1st row – h4ch, dc1, [RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc of prev.row, dc1 above dc of prev.row] to last 1ch; dc trc dec1*+ RC2
*unfinished dc1, unfinished trc1 into arch of 3chs, then pull yarn through 4 loops on hook
2nd row – h4ch, dc1, [sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc1 above dc of prev.row] to last 1ch; dc1 + RC2
3rd row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, sc3 above sc, dc, sc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1, dc2 + RC2
4th row – h4ch, dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, dc dec1 above 3 sc, ch2, flower1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
5th row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, sc1 above dc dec, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1, dc2 + RC2
6th row - h4ch dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, dc1 above sc, ch2, flower1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
7th row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch1, sc1 above dc, ch1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1, dc2 + RC2
8th row - h4ch, dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc of prev.row, sk1, dc1 above sc, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
9th row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc1 above dc, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1, dc2 + RC2
10th row - h4ch, dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above dc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
11, 13, 15 rows – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1, dc2 + RC2
12, 14 rows - h4ch, dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
Second front part
Attach the yarn into the arch from three chains and make three chains.
1st row – dc1 above sc, dc1 above dc, [RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc of prev.row, dc1 above dc of prev.row] to last 1ch; dc1+ RC2
2 -15 row = 2 – 15 row (first front part)
Back part
Attach the yarn into the arch from three chains and make three chains.
1st row – dc1 above sc, dc1 above dc, [RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc of prev.row, dc1 above dc of prev.row] to last 1ch; dc trc dec1*+ RC2
*unfinished dc1, unfinished trc1 into arch of 3chs then finish it
2nd row – h4ch, dc1, [sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc1 above dc of prev.row] to last 1ch; dc1 + RC2
3rd row – h4ch, dc1, [RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc of prev.row, dc1 above dc of prev.row] to last 1ch; dc1 + RC2
Alternate the 2nd and 3rd rows until you crochet 15 rows or the same number of rows as for the front part.
Back shoulder parts
16th row = 2nd row (work just one repeat)
Join back shoulder parts with front parts on the wrong side of the garment.
Make a foundation chain of 35 chs.
1st row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sk2, sc1, ch2, sk2, LHF1, dc1, RHF1, (ch2, sk2, sc1) x 3, ch2, sk2, LHF1, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sk2, sc1, ch2, sk2, LHF1, dc2 + RC2
2nd row – h4ch dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc1 above dc of prev.row, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sk2, dc1,ch2, sk2, flower1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc1 above dc of prev.row, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
3rd row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc of prev.row, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, sk2, sc1 above dc, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc, dc2 + RC2
4th row – h4ch, dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc1 above dc of prev.row, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sk2, dc1,ch2, sk2, flower1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc1 above dc of prev.row, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
5th row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, sk2, sc3, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, sk2, sc1 above dc, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, sk2, sc3, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc, dc2 + RC2
6th row – h4ch, dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, dc dec1, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sk2, dc1,ch2, sk2, flower1, ch2, dc dec1, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
7th row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, sc1 above dc dec, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, sc1 above dc, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, sc1 above dc dec, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc, dc2 + RC2
8th row – h4ch, dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above sc of prev.row, (ch2, sk2, dc1, ch2, sk2, flower1 above sc) x 3, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
9th row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch1, sc1 above dc, ch1, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch1, sc1 above dc, ch1, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch1, sc1 above dc, ch1, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc, dc2 + RC2
10th row – h4ch, dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc of prev.row, sk1, dc1, sk1, RHF1 above sc, ch1, sk1, dc1, ch1, sk1, LHF1, sk1, dc1, sk1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
11th row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, dc1 above dc, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch1, sc1 above dc, ch1, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, dc1 above dc, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc, dc2 + RC2
12th row – h4ch, dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, flower1 above dc, ch1, sk2, dc1 above sc, ch1, sk2, flower1 above dc, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
13th row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch1, sc1 above dc, ch1, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc, dc2 + RC2
14th row – h4ch, dc1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, ch2, LHF1 above sc, sk1, dc1 above sc, sk1, RHF1 above sc, ch2, sc1 into arch of 3chs, dc2 + RC2
15th row – h4ch, dc1, RHF1, ch1, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, dc1 above dc, sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch1, LHF1 above sc, dc2 + RC1
16th row – sc1 into arch of 3 chs, ch1, sc3, ch1, sc1 into arch of 3chs, hdc1
17th row – h2ch, sl.st.1,ch1, sk1, dc dec1, ch1, sk1, sl.st.1
18th row – sl.st.3
Work the second sleeve just as the first one.
Join each sleeve into the body on the wrong side of the garment.
Single crochet to end
Button holes
Chain two, skip two.

[ ] – repeat
ch – chain
dc – double crochet
dc dec – double crochet decrease – work three unfinished double crochets, and then draw the yarn through all four loops on your hook
flower – (sc1, ch2, sc1, ch3, sc1, ch2, sc1) into 1ch
h#ch – insert a hook into the number chain from your hook
hdc – half double crochet
LHF – left half flower – (sc1, ch2, sc1, ch3, sc1) into 1ch
RHF – right half flower – (sc1, ch3, sc1, ch2, sc1) into 1ch
RC – returning chain
sc – single crochet
sk – skip a base chain
Crochet lace cardigan pattern
Russian translation of the pattern by Sana - Crochet lace cardigan flower pattern in Russian
How do I get the further
How do I get the further parts after part I of the crochet lace cardigan flower pattern
Hi sulekha panda,
Hi sulekha panda,
I uploaded the second part and work on the last third part. It will be ready soon. Happy crochet!
Hi Sana,
Hi Sana,
What's the foundation chain for size medium (US size 8-10) ?
Thanks in advance
Hi Nila,
Hi Nila,
For the size M, I would add one repeat/8chs to the back part (it will depend on your gauge). Happy crochet!
Beautiful cardigan! Great
Beautiful cardigan! Great work!
I'd like to make it for my mother, but I know she would prefer 3/4 sleeves.
Is there a way to add a couple of rows of flowers to the short sleeves to make them elbow length?
Thank you!