Yarn - Bernat Cotton-ish (color: cotton candy) / light 3 / 2.4 oz (70 g) / 282 yards (258 m) / less than 1.5 balls needed
Hook - I-9 (5.5 mm) and F (3.75 mm) or other size hooks needed to obtain gauge
Gauge - About 14 sc chains go into 4 inches (10 centimeters)
Dress Size - 2T – 3T
Complexity - Easy

Crochet girls dress - V stitch pink shells pattern
Step-by-step crochet instruction
Step 1
Make a foundation chain of 71 chain stitches or multiples of 5 chains plus 1 additional chain. Join the 1st and last chains with the slip stitch (sl.st.) to continue crocheting in the round.
Step 2
Work with a smaller crochet hook 1st through about 9th round and then continue with the larger size hook.
1st round – sc to end plus sl.st.1
Step 3
V stitch shell pattern
2nd round – ch.4, [sk4, dc2, ch.1, dc2 in one ch., ch.1] to last 5 chs; sk4, dc2, ch.1, dc1 in one ch, sk2 chs of the following round & sl.st.1
3rd round – sl.st.1, [sc1, dc3, sc1, sl.st.1] to end
4th round – ch.4, [sk5, dc2, ch1, dc2 in one ch, ch.1] to last 6 chs; dc2, ch1, dc1 in one ch., sk2 of the following round + sl.st.1
Repeat the pattern starting from the 3rd round until you reach the desired length of the skirt. In order not to increase chains, use a larger size hook to continue the pattern.
Step 4
Attach the yarn to the foundation chain to crochet the top part, and work sc for about 10 rounds. At the very end of the last round of sc, work sl.st.1.
Step 5
Work the very top part of the dress with a smaller size hook again.
Front piece
(work half of your chains, the number should be dividable by 5)
1st row (right side) – sc for 35 chs + 1 rc
2nd row (wrong side) – blsc backwards to end + 2 rc
3rd row – insert the hook into the 4th ch. from your hook, [dc2, ch.1, dc2 in one ch, ch.1, sk4] to last 3 chs; dc2, ch1, dc2 in one ch., sk.1, dc1 + 1 rc
4th row – [sl.st.1, sc1, dc3, sc1] to end + 4 rc
5th row – dc1 in the 4th ch from the hook, ch1, [sk5, dc2, ch1, dc2 in one ch., ch.1] to last 6 chs; sk5, dc2 in one ch. + 2 rc
6th row – dc1 in the 3rd ch, sc1, sl.st.1, [sc1, dc3, sc1, sl.st.1] to last 2 chs; sc1, dc1 + 1 rc
Step 6
Front shoulder piece
(work the pattern for 12 chains)
7th row - insert the hook into the 4th ch., [dc2, ch.1, dc2 in one ch, ch.1, sk5] to last 3 chs; dc2, ch1, dc2 in one ch., sk.1, dc1 + 1 rc
8 th row = 4th row
9 th row = 5th row
10 th row = 6th row
11th row = 7th row
Step 7 = Step 6 for the second front shoulder piece.
Step 8
Back piece
Work like in step 5, but crochet 10 full rows and the 11th row will be your back shoulder piece.
Step 9
Join the front and back shoulder pieces together (crochet or sew) from the wrong side.
Step 10
Work sc for all edges.

blsc bw – back loop single crochet backwards
ch – chain
dc – double crochet
rc – returning chain
sc – single crochet
sk – skip chain
sl.st. – slip stitch
Crochet toddlers' dress using V stitch shell pattern
Hi Sana,
Hi Sana,
Thanks for this lovely dress pattern. i do have a question, when do I start crochet with larger size hook? i started my work with smaller size hook(3.75mm). completed almost 6 repeats of V stitch pattern.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Nila,
Hi Nila,
Thanks for the good question. To widen the garment, I started to use a larger size crochet hook starting from the fifth round (step 3). You may just continue crocheting with a larger size crochet hook. Happy crochet!
thank you for sharing this lovely dress.
And please tell me this pattern for 0-6 months .
and please advise me , generally how to add stiches for adding age. Example
6-12 months baby and 18 months baby. how to add stiches .In youtube videos every one tell to adjust the any size . please tell me iam new beginner in crochet.
thank you
Hi Srilathachandra,
Hi Srilathachandra,
To adjust the pattern to a different size, you need to know the baby's chest circumference because kids vary in sizes greatly. Then make a small sample of sc sts to learn your gauge. For this pattern one repeat is 5 chs. When you add one repeat to the front part, you need to add one repeat to the back part also. For the 6 months old baby or about 18 inches chest circumference, I would make a foundation chain of 61 chs = (5chs x 12repeats) + 1ch.
You may also alter your gauge by using a larger/smaller size crochet hook or thicker/thinner yarn to adjust the pattern to different sizes. Happy crochet!