Choose a place
There are lots of choices where you can go traveling whether within the U.S. or outside the country. Some of the most beautiful places in the U.S. are Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon, Yellow Stone National Park, Sequoia National Park, Crater Lake, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Key West, etc… It is definitely worthwhile to go there in order to see the most incredible wonders of nature. Even if you have or can find on internet the most beautiful pictures of such places, it won’t compare with feelings that you can get by being there and see for yourself.
Consider cost and time
Your budget and time frame is the key to successful trip. Normally if you would like to travel within the U.S. it can take as little as a few days trip. However, if you willing to go somewhere in Latin America, Europe, Africa, or Asia, then you might need to have at least a couple of weeks to do that in order not to be in a rush. You will probably also have to acclimate there a little bit and get used to time differences.
If you plan to travel on budget, it is wise to plan everything ahead in order to minimize your expenses. For example, you can make a plan which places you want to see and how you’ll get there (by plane, car, or bus), what food you will eat and where. In case you don’t have a lot of saving on your account but still want to travel, you can go with your friends or family members. That way you can save on cost of hotel (if it possible to share the room) and car rent. Other option can be if you want to travel to different countries, you can be a volunteer or English teacher there. Nowadays many American people go to non English speaking countries in order to travel and teach. In order to be a teacher you not supposed to have any degree, high school diploma will be more than enough for such matter.
If your travel within the U.S. you might want to consider to travel on your own car. However, you have to make sure that your car will survive such trip. Therefore, in order not to have any surprises while away from home it is better to check your car in your mechanic or at least some local one. It is necessary to do that for your own safety. In addition, if after the checking some problems with be found, it is better to fix them right away then have trouble late. Repair while away from home might cost you much more.
Know what you will need while traveling
Usually you need to take one outfit according to the time of year for each day of the trip plus a few for unexpected situations where you need to change your clothes more than ones a day. In addition, it is good idea to take with you some snacks and drinks. That way you won’t have to stop on gas stations often and waste your time to buy something if you decide to travel by car.