Thread - About 32 inches long or more
Stop (seed) bead - 1
Lobster clasp - 1
Tag - 1
Jump ring - 1
Beads - 412 (2mm) pink seed beads, 72 (5 mm) pink seed beads, 64 (5 mm) clear seed beads, 4 (8 mm) crystal beads, 3 (10 mm) crystal beads.
Sewing needle
Necklace Length - About 20 inches (51 cm.) with a clasp and jump ring.
Complexity - Easy
DIY necklace from seed beads to match with my lace bolero jacket
Step-by-step instructions

Step 1
Stop bead
Fix a stop bead about 6 inches to the end of your thread by passing the thread back through the stop bead twice to form two loops around the first bead to secure it in place.

Step 2
Create 4 smaller beads and 3 bigger beads
To make one smaller bead, cut about 12 inches of a thread or more. String one (8 mm) crystal bead and seven (2 mm) pink sb. Then *pass the thread through the crystal bead and string seven (2 mm) pink sb. Repeat from * about 5 more times. Secure the thread tails and cut them.
To make a bigger bead, cut about 14 inches of a thread or more and string one (10 mm) crystal bead on it. Then *string nine (2 mm) pink sb and pass the thread through the big bead. Repeat from * about eight times. Secure ends of thread and cut them.

Step 3
Beads pattern
String one 5 mm pink sb, (one 5 mm clear sb, one 5 mm pink sb) x 20, [one created smaller bead, one 5 mm pink sb, (one 5 mm clear sb, one 5 mm pink sb) x 4, one created bigger bead, one 5 mm pink sb, (one 5 mm clear sb, one 5 mm pink sb) x 4] – repeat in [ ] three times; one created smaller bead, one 5 mm pink sb, (one 5 mm clear sb, one 5 mm pink sb) x 20

Step 4
Loosen and remove the stop bead from the other end of the thread. Then string a tag with a jump ring.
Fix the tag the same way as your clasp (repeat what is in * * from step 4. Make sure that all your beads are close to each other.

sb – seed bead
Necklace from seed beads to match with my pink lace bolero jacket