Yarn - Lily Sugar’n Cream (color: Rose Pink) / medium 4 / 4 oz (113 g) / 200 yards (184 m)) / about 6 balls needed
Hook - I/9 - 5.5 mm or other crochet hook needed for the gauge
Gauge - About 12 hdc go into 4 inches (10 cm)
Size – 3T
Complexity - Beginner friendly stitch

Begin crocheting from the bottom to top.
Make a foundation chain of 83 chs or multiples of 2 chs plus 3 additional chs.
1st Row – h4ch, dc to end + RC2
2nd Row – [fpdc1, bpdc1] to last 1ch; dc1 + RC2
3rd Row – [fpdc1, bpdc1] to last 1ch; dc1 + RC1
4th Row – h2ch, hdc to end +RC1
Repeat the 4th row until you crochet to your armpits.
First front part
Use 20 chs or ¼ (25%) of your total number of chs.
23rd Row = 4th Row
Repeat the 23rd Row for about 9 rows.
Front shoulder part
Leave about 8 chs for the neckline and use/crochet all other chs.
32nd and 33rd Rows = 4th Row
Second front part
Use 20 chs or ¼ (25%) of your total number of chs.
Count 20 chs from the end of your last body row (22nd row), attach the yarn, and make one chain to pick up the height.
23rd Row = 4th Row
Repeat the 23rd Row for about 9 rows.
Second front shoulder part
Leave about 8 chs for the neckline, attach the yarn, and make one chain to pick up the height.
32nd and 33rd Rows = 4th Row
Back part
Use all remaining chains between front parts (half of your total number of chains).
Attach the yarn near the first front part and make one chain to pick up the height.
23rd Row = 4th Row
Repeat the 23rd Row for about 11 rows.
Join back and front shoulder parts together.
Work a hdc row joining back front shoulder parts together.
Attach the yarn underarm, make a chain to pick up the height.
1st Row = 4th Row (body)
Repeat the 1st Row for about 22 rows, and then work 3 border row.
23rd Row = 1st Row (border)
24th Row = 2nd Row (border)
25th Row – [fpdc1, bpdc1] to last 1ch; dc1
Make a long loop (longer than your sleeve), cut the yarn and sew the two sides of each sleeve matching row.
1st Row (wrong side) – ch1, h2ch, hdc to end + RC1
Increase one chain every other row.
2nd Row (right side) – h2ch, hdc to middle of row, inc1, hdc to end + RC1
3rd Row – h2ch, hdc to end + RC1
Repeat the pattern starting from the 2nd row for about 15 rows.
16th Row – h2ch, hdc to middle of row, dec1, hdc to end + RC1
Repeat the Row 16 for about 10 rows. Join sides together working half double crochet row.
Finish up
Crochet 3 border rows for the body and hood and sew on buttons.
Make a long foundation chain and work slip stitches back for the tie.
Use spaces between double crochet stitches as your button holes.

[ ] - repeat
bpdc – back post double crochet
ch - chain
dc – double crochet
dec – decrease – yarn over, make two loops through following two base chains, and pull the yarn through all four loops on your hook.
fpdc- front post double crochet
hdc – half double crochet
h#ch – insert a hook into the number chain from the hook
inc – increase – work hdc2 into one base chain
RC – returning chain
Child hoodie crochet pattern