Step by step instructions how to prepare fish salad
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Cooking time:Total: 1 hour 20 min Preparation: 20 min Boiling total: 60 min - beet: 1 hour - potato: 40 min - eggs: 12 min Servings: 3 - 4 peopleCost: $4 - $6

Ingredients:2 medium size red beets3 potatoes3 large eggs½ pound of herring fillets (in wine marinade)mayonnaise

Preparation:Boil beets, potatoes, and eggs about 1 hour, 40 minutes, and 12 minutes respectively in a large saucepan. When they will cool off, peel the vegetables and hard boiled eggs and shred them separately.

Bottom layerUse a perforated serving spoon, any spoon with holes, or fork to take out herring fillets from a jar and place them into a glass bowl or pan pouring any excessive marinade out from it. This will be your first layer. Cover the herring with mayonnaise entirely.

Make potato layerPress the first layer with a spoon to the bottom of the glass pan to level it better. Place grated potatoes into the glass pan on top of the fish and mayonnaise layers accurately. Sprinkle salt on the potato a little bit but all over. Start covering it with mayonnaise to make the following layer. Press gently all layers with the tablespoon to the bottom of the glass pan again to make them more even.

Continue with egs and beet layerGrate carefully and slowly boiled eggs directly into the glass pan, salt it, and cover with mayonnaise generously. Shred boiled red beet onto the other plate prior placing it as a top layer for the stuffed dish. Sprinkle with salt, and do the covering with mayonnaise routine. You may decorate the shuba salad if desired. For example, you can cut some figures out from boiled vegetables before shredding them or save one egg yolk and crush it into tiny pieces and sprinkle on top of the last mayonnaise layer.