20 ways to cut energy expenses and lower electric and gas bills
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1. lluminate a house with natural lightTo maintain a light comfortable level in north facing dark rooms, you can place a mirror next to or across the real window to make the space brighter without turning on lights. Each house has its own the brightest room like south facing one, so try to use it the most instead of installing many light bulbs in darker one. In the cool periods of the year, it might be a good idea to allow larger amount of light to enter the room by open entirely all curtains, drapes, or skylights (if any).

2. ColorsThe colors of walls, ceiling, and floor influence a lot brightness and darkness of a living space. In addition, the way a room is orientated as well as the quantity of direct and indirect illumination it receives plays also tremendous role in maintaining the necessary amount of light needed for the area.

3. Be outdoorInstead of lying in front of TV set with your kids, try to spend at least few hours outdoors in nice weather all year around. There are so many activities to choose from like walking, jogging, skiing, playing tennis, or soccer. Being outside is not only good for your health and vision in particular, but can help to lower the energy bills as well.

4. Turn off and unplugDo not forget to turn off all devices even an air conditioner when you leave the house. Some people believe that it is better to keep AC running while they are not at home. That way when homeowners come back from work or elsewhere, their indoor area will maintain comfortable level to be in. When on one hand, it is true, but usually a room can be cooled down in just few minutes after you turned the AC on anyway. Even if you make your air conditioner work harder when you just turn it on, but that won’t be significant compare to several hours of using electricity.

5. Do not buy used appliancesWhen you need to change appliances, do not buy used ones. It does not worth those savings. Newer electrical fixtures more efficient compare to older models. For example, by trying to get a better deal and purchasing a secondhand washer might turn out to be not beneficial overall because you will face higher utility bills.

6. Dry clothes outsideIn summer time it might be a good idea to invest into a clothesline with clips which you can find for as low as $1 and hang some of your clothes outside. It won’t take long to get it dry. Plus you will get extra freshness of the clothes from outside drying. On the other hand, it is better to put certain things like bath towels into the drier in order to avoid making them stiff.

7. Charge phones Charge your phone or other portable devices in public places if you plan to be there at least for few hours. Some employers whose electrical bills included as part of rent most likely would not mind your battery charging. So, try to use it if you allowed.

8. PlantsTo make your air conditioner work not that hard, it is necessary to shade your house especially from the south facing part of the building. These high sun penetrating rooms can create affect as greenhouse in hot and sunny summer days which need to be shielded with trees or green walls (green live plants).

9. Windows and doorsProper insulation is a key to making your energy bills lower. Improper insulated doors and windows will allow outside air easily come inside the house and affect indoor air temperature. This happening might make you to warm or cool your house harder.

10. Window filmsIf you cannot afford to have energy efficient windows, it might be necessary to consider purchasing at least Titanium Heat Control Window Film which will intend to reflect up to 72% of the sun's heat to reduce dramatically incoming heat and lower the cooling cost accordingly. In addition, the film blocks up to 99% of UV rays to prevent your furniture and floor from fading.

11. RoofWhen time comes to change roofing shingles, choose light colors for your next choice. That way the light may reflect more easily from it and heat will less penetrate accordingly.

12. Cellular shadesThe shades are good for insulating your house and can lower your monthly energy bills all year around. They are made from light-filtering fabrics that allow light in and honeycomb construction creates air chambers that insulate and shield the room from the exterior heat or cold. Some of them are expensive while others you can find on sale at your local retail stores as low as $12 plus tax for covering 32” x 48” single window.

13. Warm your house During cold months of the year, do not try to heat your house too much. If you like to be in warm environment, it is better to use Electric Portable Oil-Filled Convection Radiator Heater or any other heaters in one room. On the other hand, high temperatures is not good for your wellbeing the same as too cold ones. Try to stick with recommended temperature in your house of 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 Celsius) while you are home and 63F (17C) when away or at night.

14. Cool your houseTry not to turn on an air conditioner just because of convenience. For example, in chill summer day it is better to open a window while you are cooking than a fan or AC. To mop the floor might be also a good idea to cool somewhat the heat coming from there.

15. CookIn warm period of the year, it is not only better for your gas bill, but an electrical also if you would cook outside. You can grill or barbeque on the backyard on in parks wherever is allowed with your family.

16. FamilyTry to be with your family in the same room whenever possible like having dinner together or watching an evening movie. That way you would be sharing the same light.

17. Energy saving lightsGood energy efficient bulbs design not only to save on energy bills, but to last longer reducing frequency of changing them.

18. SkylightsSkylights are just grate to illuminate and even warm any of your room in sunny winter days.

19. RefrigeratorIn order not to make your fridge work harder and utilize more electricity, do not put hot or warm food in it. In addition, you should monitor how your kids using it to prevent the door be opened for prolonging periods of time.

20. Air ConditionerPlace heat producing devices like lamps or TV sets away from AC or vents in order to avoid confusion of overall room temperature with the heat coming from those fixtures.
Usually in different seasons of the year gas and electricity bills go up and down differently. For instance, homeowners face larger gas expenses in winter when they warm their houses unlike electrical ones which are higher during summer time when those homes need to be cooled off. That’s why it is not only necessary but wise to plan ahead and create all the conditions for saving on monthly energy expenses.