Yarn - Bernat Cotton-ish (cotton candy) / light 3 / 2.4 oz (70 g) / 282 yards (258 m) / about 2 balls needed
Hook - E/4 – 3.50 mm or other size hook needed for the gauge
Gauge - 20 dc sts go into about 4 inches (10 cm.)
Tunic Size - 12 – 18 months (adjustable to any size)
Complexity - Beginners friendly

Vest tunic crochet pattern
Row-by-row crochet instructions
Begin crocheting the vest from the top to bottom. Make a foundation chain of 83 chs. One repeat is 5 chs.
1st row (right side) – h5ch, [(shell1, sk4) x 2, corner1, sk4] x 2, (shell1, sk4) x 3, shell1, [sk4, corner1, (sk4, shell1) x 2] x 2, sk1, dc1 + RC3
2nd row (wrong side) – (shell1 into shell of prev.R) x 3, Vst1 into Vst of prev.R, (shell1 into shell of prev.R) x 4, Vst1 into Vst of prev.R, (shell1 into shell of prev.R) x 6, Vst1 into Vst of prev.R, (shell1 into shell of prev.R) x 4, Vst1 into Vst of prev.R, (shell1 into shell of prev.R) x 3, dc1 into last ch + RC3
3rd row – [shell1 into shell of prev.R to Vst of prev.R, corner1 into Vst of prev.R] x 4, shell1 into shell of prev.R to end, dc1 into last ch + RC3
5 row = 3rd row (working more repeats)
4, 6 rows = 2nd row (working more repeats)
Increase chs for the back and front parts only.
7th row – (shell1 into shell of prev.R to Vst of prev.R, corner1* into Vst of prev.R, shell1 into shell of prev.R to Vst of prev.R, corner1** into Vst of prev.R) x 2, shell1 into shell of prev.R to end, dc1 into last ch + RC3
8th row – shell1 into shell to Vst of prev.R, Vst into Vst of prev.R] x 4, shell 1 into shell to Vst of prev.R to end, dc1 into last ch + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
To adjust the pattern to a different size, work more or fewer rows before joining front and back parts together.
Crochet in the round
Join front and back parts together
1st round (right side) – ch3, (dc above dc of prev.R to Vst, trc2 into Vst, sk all shells to Vst, trc2 into Vst) x 2, dc above dc of prev.R to end + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
2nd round – ch3, dc to end + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
3rd round – ch4, ([sk1, dc1, ch1] to underarm; dc1, ch1) x 2, [sk1, dc1, ch1] to last 1ch; sk1 + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
4th round = 2nd round
Repeat the pattern starting from the 2nd round until you crochet the desired length of the tunic.
Shell pattern
You should have multiples of 5 chs.
24th round – ch3, dc2 into sm.ch, sk4, [shell1, sk4] to end; dc1 + sl.st.1 under chs
25th round – ch3, dc3 under ch, shell1* into shell of prev.R to end; dc2 + sl.st.1 under chs
26th round = 25th round
27th round – ch1, sc1 above each dc of prev.R and sc2 under each ch of prev.R + sl.st.1 into 1st ch
Single crochet around all your edges.
For each tie, ch32, h2ch, sc to end
[ ] – repeat
ch – chain
corner – (dc2, ch1, Vst1,ch1, dc2) into 1ch or Vst of prev. row
*corner – (dc2, ch1, Vst) into Vst of previous row
**corner – (Vst, ch1, dc2) into Vst of prev.row
dc – double crochet
h#ch – insert a hook into the # ch from your hook
sc – single crochet
shell – (dc2, ch1, dc2) into 1ch or shell of the prev.R
*shell – (dc3, ch1, dc3) into 1ch or shell of the prev.R
sk – skip
sl.st. – slip stitch
sm.ch – the same base chain
trc – triple crochet
Vst – V stitch – (dc1, ch1, dc1) into 1ch or Vst of prev.row
Vest tunic crochet pattern
If I have to make a tunic for my 11 yrs old daughter how many chain stitches do I take
Hi Ekta jain,
Hi Ekta jain,
For the 11 year old girl, I would add 6 repeats, one repeat for each shoulder and front part, and two repeats for the back part. Make foundation chain of 113 chs and work as many rows as necessary until your two front and back parts will be wide enough to her chest circumference accordingly. Happy crochet!
What does this mean.
What does this mean.
What does this mean.
What does this mean.
Thank you.. I want to ask you
Thank you.. I want to ask you about row eight it is not like row two because you changed row seven.. can you help me ?
Hi Lisamanola,
Hi Lisamanola,
Please ask a specific question about row eight. That way it will be easier to help you out. Happy crochet!
I am trying the jasmine crochet blouse...but the video is only for the front part....pls upload the second part also
Hi Razia Sultana,
Hi Razia Sultana,
If you watch the video, you'll see that I've shown how to crochet the vest tunic from the start to end. If something is not clear for you, please ask a specific question. Happy crochet!
how much yarn i might need for a eleven year old
Hi aurelia123,
Hi aurelia123,
I would buy about 3 yarn balls. It depends on whether you crochet tightly or loosely and whether you want it to fit snugly or loosely. Happy crochet!