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Crochet long cardigan


Yarn - Bernat Softee Baby Cotton (Sand) / light 3/ 4.2 oz (120 g) / 254 yards (232 m) / about 6 balls needed
Hooks - F/5 – 3.75 mm and G/6 4.25 mm or other size hooks needed for the gauge
Gauge - 18 dc sts go into about 4 inches (10 cm)
Jacket Size - S/M
Complexity - Advanced beginner

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Long cardigan jacket crochet pattern

Row-by-row crochet instructions

Part 1 video tutorial

Begin crocheting the cardigan from the bottom to top. Make a foundation chain of 168 chs or multiples of 6 chs.


1st row (right side) – h5ch, dc to end + RC3
2nd row (wrong side) – h5ch, dc1, [ch1, sk1, dc1] to end + RC3
3rd row – h5ch, dc to end + RC1
4th row – h2ch, sc to end + RC4
5th row – h6ch, dc dec1, [ch3, dc dec1] to last 1ch; ch1, dc1 + RC1
6th row – h2ch, sc1, ch3, [sc1 under arch of 3 chs, ch3] to last 1ch; sc1 + RC3
7th row – h6ch, dc inc1, [sk3, dc inc1] to last 2chs; sk1, dc1 + RC1
8th row – h2ch, sc to end + RC3
Repeat the pattern starting from the 1st row. When you crochet about 3 repeats, use a smaller size crochet hook to work the following 2 repeats. Then continue crocheting the pattern using a larger size crochet hook to widen the garment. Work your last row as you 7th row, but do not work RC1 at the end of the row.

First front part

Use 12 repeats or multiples of 2 repeats.
56th row – h2ch, sc36 + RC3
57th row = 1st row
58th row – h5ch, dc1, sk1, dc1, [ch1, sk1, dc1] to last 2 chs; sk1, dc1 + RC3
59th row – h5ch, dc to end
60th row – h2ch, sc to last 2chs; sk1, sc1 + RC4
61st row = 5th row
62nd row = 6th row
63rd row – h6ch, dc inc1, [sk3, dc inc1] to last 2chs; sk1, dc1
64th row – h2ch, sc to last 2 chs; sk1, sc1 + RC3
Repeat the pattern starting from the 57th row until you crochet about 72 rows.

Back part

Skip 5 chs from the front part, attach the yarn, and make a loop.
56th row – sc78 + RC3
57 – 72 rows = 57 – 72 rows of the front part
73rd row = 57th row

First back shoulder part

74th row – h5ch, dc1, (ch1, sk1, dc1) x 11
Join the front and back shoulder pieces together working dc row on the wrong side of the garment.

Second back shoulder piece

Attach the yarn 23 chs before the end of the 73rd row or slip stitch from the shoulder piece to the last 23 chs. Chain 3 to pick up the height, dc1, (ch1, sk1, dc1) x 11.

Second front part

Skip 5 chs from the back part, attach the yarn, and make a loop.
56th row – sc to last 2 chs; sk1, sc1 + RC3
57 – 72 rows = 57 – 72 rows of the first front part


Part 2 video tutorial


Make a foundation chain of 54 chs or multiples of 6 chs.
Repeat the pattern 2 times using a smaller size crochet hook, and then crochet 15 more rows with a larger size crochet hook to widen the garment.


32nd row (wrong side) – h2ch, sc2 into 1ch, sc to last 2 chs; sc2 into 1ch, sc1 + RC3
33rd row = 1st row (body)
34th row – h5ch, dc2 into 1ch, ch1, sk1, [dc1, ch1, sk1] to last 1ch; dc2 into 1ch + RC3
35th row = 3rd row (body)
36th row – h2ch, sc2 into 1ch, sc to last 2 chs; sc2 into 1ch, sc1 + RC4
37 – 40 rows = 5 – 8 rows (body)
41st row – h5ch, dc to end


42nd row – h2ch,, ch3, dc1, sk1, dc1, [ch1, sk1, dc1] to last 6 chs; sk1, dc1
43rd row – h2ch,, ch2, sk1, dc1, sk1, dc to last 5 chs; sk1, dc dec1*
44th row – h2ch, sc to last 2chs; sk1, sc1 + RC2
45th row – h4ch, dc dec1**, [ch3, dc dec] to end + RC1
46th row – [sc1 under arch of 3 chs, ch3] to last 1ch; sc1 + RC1
47th row – sc1 under arch of 3 chs, ch3, [sk3, dc inc1] to last 4 chs; sk3, dc1
48th row – h2ch, sc to last 2chs; sk1, sc1 + RC3
49th row – h5ch, dc1, sk1, dc to last 2 chs; sk1, dc1 + RC3
50th row – h5ch, dc1, sk1, dc1, [ch1, sk1, dc1] to last 2 chs; sk1, dc1 + RC3
51st row – h5ch, dc1, sk1, dc to last 2 chs; sk1, dc1
52nd row – h2ch, sc to last 2chs; sk1, sc1
Join sleeves into the garment matching patterns.


1st round – sc to end + into 1st ch
2nd round – [ch2, sk2, picot 1] to end

Closure knots

On the wrong side of the garment attach the yarn, chain 40, right next to the 1st ch, and then cut the yarn and secure it. After that, make the knot.


[ ] – repeat
ch – chain
dc – double crochet
dc dec – double crochet decrease – work 3 unfinished double crochets, and then pull the yarn through 4 loops on the hook
*dc dec – work 1 unfinished dc, sk1, work 1 unfinished dc, and pull the yarn through all 3 loops on the hook
**dc dec – work 2 unfinished double crochets and pull the yarn through all 3 loops on the hook
dc inc – double crochet increase – work dc3 into 1ch
h#ch – insert a hook into the # chain from the hook
picot – (, ch3, into 1ch
sc – single crochet
sk – skip a chain – slip stitch
RC – returning chain


Long jacket cardigan crochet pattern


Hi disney,

Hi disney,
For the size L (39 inches chest circumference), make a foundation chain of 174 chs. Use 12 repeats for each front part , skip 8 chs underarms, and work 26 repeats for the back part. Chain 60 for each sleeve.
For the size XL (42 inches chest circumference), make a foundation chain of 186 chs. Use 14 repeats for each front part, skip 5 chs underarms, and work 28 repeats for the back part. Chain 66 for each sleeve. Happy crochet!

Hi A,

Hi A,
You may use any yarn you like for the project. The pattern has a lot of holes, so you'll feel comfortable in acrylic yarn too. Happy crochet!

Thank you so much for being

Thank you so much for being such an inspiration. Your crochet and knitting skills are excellent. You have an amazing talent. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations. Thank You!

Please Read the Whole Thing

Please Read the Whole Thing

Hi Sana, I was thinking maybe you could give a tutorial on the crocheted virus shawl. There are only a few virus shawl videos on YouTube but they are not clear . I have been Crocheting for 65 years now and I really would like you to do a tutorial of virus shawl since your tutorials are really fun and clear. There are thousands of crocheters who would love to make the virus shawl but don't know how, including me. My daughter is moving to another country and I want to make one for her. Please consider a virus shawl tutorial
Regards, A

Hi A,

Hi A,
I'll consider crocheting your suggestion. Happy crochet!

Please Read the Whole Thing

Please Read the Whole Thing

Hi Sana, I was thinking maybe you could give a tutorial on the crocheted virus shawl. There are only a few virus shawl videos on YouTube but they are not clear . I have been Crocheting for 65 years now and I really would like you to do a tutorial of virus shawl since your tutorials are really fun and clear. There are thousands of crocheters who would love to make the virus shawl but don't know how, including me. My daughter is moving to another country and I want to make one for her. Please consider a virus shawl tutorial
Regards, A
