Begin crocheting from the top to bottom.
Part 1
Make a foundation chain of 64 chs. I do not count one chain.
1st row – h4ch, (dc2, ch1, dc3) into 1ch, ch2, sk3, sc5, ch2, sk3, corner1, [ch2, sk3, sc5, ch2, sk3, dc3 into 1ch] x 2, [ch2, sk3, sc5, ch2, sk3, corner1] x 2 + RC3
2nd row – h4ch, dc2 into 1ch, ch2, corner1 into corner, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc5 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, corner1 into corner, ch2, [dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc5 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2] x 3, corner1 into corner, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc5 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, corner1 into corner, ch2, dc3 under 3chs + RC3
3rd row – h4ch, dc2 into 1ch, ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, corner1 into corner, ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc1 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, corner1 into corner, ch2, [sc1 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc1 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2] x3, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, corner1 into corner, ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc1 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, corner1 into corner, ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 3chs + RC3
4th row – h4ch, dc2 into 1ch, ch2, sc3 above sc of prev.row, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, sc3 above sc of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs], ch2, sc3 above sc of prev.row, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, sc3 above sc of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs] x 3, ch2, sc3 above sc of prev.row, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, sc3 above sc of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs], ch2, sc3 above sc of prev.row, ch2, corner1 into corner, ch2, sc3 above sc of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 3chs + RC3
5th row – h4ch, dc2 into 1ch, ch2, sc5 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, sc5 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs], ch2, sc5 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, sc5 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs] x 3, ch2, sc5 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, sc5 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs], ch2, sc5 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, corner1 into corner, ch2, sc5 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 3chs + RC3
Repeat the pattern starting from the 2nd row working more repeats between corners until your back and two front parts will be wide enough to your chest circumference.
Crochet row 6 similar to row 2 working more repeats between corners.
6th row – h4ch, dc2 into 1ch, [ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc5 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs], ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc5 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs] x 2, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc5 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs] x 4, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc5 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs] x 2, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc5 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs], ch2, dc3 under 3chs + RC3
Crochet row 7 similar to row 3 working more repeats between corners.
7th row - h4ch, dc2 into 1ch, [ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc1 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs], ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc1 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs] x 2, ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc1 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs] x 4, ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc1 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs] x2, ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, corner1 into corner, [ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 2chs, ch2, sc1 above sc3 of prev.row, ch2, dc3 under 2chs], ch2, sc1 under 2chs, ch2, dc3 under 3chs + RC3
Crochet row 8 similar to row 4 (row 9 similar to row 5) working more repeats between corners and so on until you crochet 15 rows.
Part 2
At the end of the 15th row work 2 returning chains.
Join front and back parts together.
Pick up 128 (140, 152) double crochets for sizes S (M/L, XL).
16th row (S) – h4ch, dc31, dc2 into corner, skip shoulder part, dc2 into corner, dc57, dc2 into corner, skip shoulder part, dc2 into corner, dc32 + RC2
16th row (M/L) – h4ch, dc35, dc1 into corner, skip shoulder part, dc2 into corner, dc63, dc2 into corner, skip shoulder part, dc1 into corner, dc36 + RC2
16th row (XL) – h4ch, dc39, dc1 into corner, skip shoulder part, dc1 into corner, dc69, dc1 into corner, skip shoulder part, dc1 into corner, dc40 + RC2
17th row – h4ch, dc to end + RC2
18, 19, 20 rows = 17th row
21st row – h4ch, dc8, [sk2, trc1, ch1, sk1 back, trc1, dc9] to end + RC2
22, 23, 24 rows = 17th row
25th row – h4ch, dc2, sk2, trc1, ch1, sk1 back, trc1, [dc9, sk2, trc1, ch1, sk1 back, trc1] to last 3chs; dc3 + RC2
Repeat the pattern starting from the row 18.
Last double crochet round – add 2 double crochets and 4 double crochets for sizes M/L and XL.
Diamond pattern
You should have 128 (142, 156) double crochets before starting a new pattern.
1st row – h4ch, dc1, ch1, sk1, [dc3 into 1ch, ch2, sk3, sc3, ch2, sk3, dc3 into 1ch, ch2, sk3] to last 3chs; ch1, sk1, dc2 + RC2
2nd row – h4ch, dc1, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, sc1 above sc3, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, [sc1 under arch of 2chs, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, sc1 above sc3, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2] to end; dc2 + RC1
3rd row – h2ch, sc3, [ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, sc3*] to end + RC1
*work sc1 under arch of 2chs, sc1 above sc, sc1 under arch of 2chs
4th row – h2ch, sc4, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, [sc5 above sc3, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2] to end; sc4 + RC1
5th row – h2ch, sc3, [ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc] to end + RC2
To widen the garment, use a larger size crochet hook.
6th row – h4ch, dc1, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, sc1 under arch of 2chs, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, [sc1 above sc, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, sc1 under arch of 2chs, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2] to end; dc2 + RC2
7th row – h4ch, dc1, ch2, [dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, sc3*, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2] to end; dc2 + RC2
8th row – h4ch, dc2, ch2, sc5 above sc, ch2, [dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, sc5 above sc, ch2] to end; dc3 + RC2
9th row – h4ch, dc1, ch1, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, [ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2, sc3 above sc, ch2, dc3 under arch of 2chs] to end; ch1, dc2 + RC2
Repeat the pattern starting from the 2nd row.
Sleeves (optional)
Attach the yarn under arm, chain one to pick up the height.
1st row = 3rd row (diamond pattern)
2nd row = 4th row (diamond pattern)
3rd row = 5th row (diamond pattern)
4th row = 6th row (diamond pattern)
5th row = 7th row (diamond pattern)
6th row = 8th row (diamond pattern)
7th row = 9th row (diamond pattern)
8th row = 2nd row (diamond pattern)
Repeat the pattern starting from the 1st sleeve row until you crochet the desired length of a sleeve.
To make sleeves wider:
1st row = 7th row (diamond pattern)
2nd row = 8th row (diamond pattern)
3rd row = 9th row (diamond pattern)
4th row = 2nd row (diamond pattern)
5th row = 3rd row (diamond pattern)
6th row = 4th row (diamond pattern)
7th row = 5th row (diamond pattern)
8th row = 6th row (diamond pattern)
Repeat the pattern starting from the 1st sleeve row until you crochet the desired length of a sleeve.
Single crochet to end
Work 2 single crochet rows around the body decreasing chains from the back of the neck.