Part 2 video tutorial
You should have 128 chs or multiples of 14 chs + 2 additional chs.
33rd row – h5ch, dec1, dc12, [ch1, dc14] to last 15chs; ch1, dc12, dec1, dc1 + RC3
34th row – h5ch, dec1, dc9, ch1, sk2, dc3 under ch, ch1, sk2, [dc10, ch1, sk2, dc3 under ch, ch1, sk2] to last 12 chs; dc9, dec1, dc1 + RC3
35th row – h5ch, dec1, dc7, ch1, dc2 between 1st and 2nd dc of dc3 (prev.row), ch3, dc2 between 2nd and 3rd dc of dc3, ch1, sk2, [dc8, ch1, dc2 between 1st and 2nd dc of dc3 (prev.row), ch3, dc2 between 2nd and 3rd dc of dc3, ch1, sk2] to last 10 chs; dc7, dec1, dc1 + RC3
36th row – h5ch, dec1, dc5, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sc1 under arch of 3chs, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sk2, [dc6, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sc1 under arch of 3chs, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sk2] to last 8 chs; dc5, dec1, dc1 + RC3
37th row – h5ch, dec1, dc3, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch2, sc1 above sc1 of prev.row, ch2, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sk2, [dc4, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch2, sc1 above sc1 of prev.row, ch2, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sk2] to last 6 chs; dc3, dec1, dc1 + RC3
38th row – h5ch, dec1, dc1, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch2, sk1, sc3, ch2, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sk2, [dc2, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch2, sk1, sc3, ch2, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sk2] to last 4chs; dc1, dec1, dc1 + RC3
39th row – h5ch, dec1, dc1 under ch, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch2, sc1 above middle sc of prev.row, ch2, dc2 between dc2, ch1, [dc4, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch2, sc1 above middle sc of prev.row, ch2, dc2 between dc2, ch1] to last 4chs; dc1, dec1, dc1 + RC3
40th row – h5ch, dec1, dc1, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sc1 above sc1, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, [dc6, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sc1 above sc1, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1] to last 4chs; dc1, dec1, dc1 + RC3
41st row – h5ch, dec1, dc1, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, [dc8, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1] to last 4chs; dc1, dec1, dc1 + RC3
42nd row – h5ch, dec1, dc1, ch2, ddec1*, ch2, [dc10, ch2, ddec1*, ch2] to last 4chs; dc1, dec1, dc1 + RC3
*ddec – work one unfinished dc between dc2 of prev.row, one unfinished dc under ch, and one unfinished dc between following dc2 of prev.row
43rd row – h5ch, ddec1, dc1, [ch1, sk1, dc14] to last 6chs; ch1, sk1, dc1, ddec1, dc1 + RC3
44th row – h5ch, ddec1, dc to last 4chs; ddec1, dc1 + RC3
45th row = 44th row
Attach the yarn underarms, ch3 to pick up the height. Work rows joining them together.
1st row (right side) – dc2, work dc4 above each shell to end; dc3, join the beg. and end. of the row together with + ch3
Continue working dc rows using a smaller size crochet hook.
2nd row (wrong side) – h5ch, dc to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
Decrease one ch every 2 rows
3rd row – h5ch, dec1, dc to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
4th row = 2nd row
Repeat the pattern starting from the 2nd row until you crochet 26 rows.
You should have 45 double crochets or multiples of 15 double crochets.
27th row – h5ch, [dc7, ch1, sk1, dc7] to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
28th row – h5ch, [dc5, ch1, sk2, dc3 under ch, ch1, sk2, dc5] to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
29th row – h5ch, [dc4, ch1, dc2 between 1st and 2nd dc of dc3 (prev.row), ch3, dc2 between 2nd and 3rd dc of dc3, ch1, sk2, dc4] to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
30th row – h5ch, [dc3, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sc1 under arch of 3chs, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sk2, dc3] to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
31st row – h5ch, [dc2, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch2, sc1 above sc1 of prev.row, ch2, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sk2, dc2] to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
32nd row – h5ch, [dc1, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch2, sk1, sc3, ch2, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sk2, dc1] to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
33rd row – h5ch, [ dc1, dc1 under ch, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch2, sc1 above middle sc of prev.row, ch2, dc2 between dc2, ch1, dc2] to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
34th row – h5ch, dc3, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, sc1 above sc1, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, dc3] to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
35th row – h5ch, dc4, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, dc2 between dc2 of prev.row, ch1, dc4] to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
36th row – h5ch, dc5, ch2, ddec1*, ch2, dc5] to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
37th row = 27th row (sleeve)
Decrease one chain
38th row – h5ch, dec1, dc to end, join beg. and end. with + ch3
You should have multiples of 5 chs for the shell pattern.
Shell pattern
39th row – h4ch, dc2 into 1ch, sk4, [shell1, sk4] to end, dc1, under initial 3chs + ch3
40th row – dc2 into 1st shell of prev.row, work shells into shells to end, dc1 into 1st shell of prev.row, under 3chs + ch3
41st row = 40th row
42nd row – dc3 into 1st shell of prev.row, work shells into shells to end, dc2 into 1st shell of prev.row, under 3chs + ch3
43 and 44 rows = 42nd row
Body edge
Work the 6 shell pattern rows (39 – 44 sleeve rows) as you did for your sleeves.
Skip 4 chs between shells where you have chs (neckline and bottom) and 2 rows on both front parts.
Cut the yarn and secure it.
Kira replied on Permalink
Please can you make a tutorial on how to make a long dress?
Kira replied on Permalink
Here is an example
Here is an example
Sana replied on Permalink
Hi Kira,
Hi Kira,
Thanks for the suggestion. I probably will make a similar tunic for my daughter which can be adjustable to any size.
Judy replied on Permalink
Hello can you tell me what
Hello can you tell me what the measurement for the sweater in the video are? I am trying to make this for my son's girlfriend, and she is pretty small. She said she wears a Filipino size medium in cardigans which I'm sure is pretty tiny and I see that your pattern says this is a small to a medium. Hope you can help me out with this.
Sana replied on Permalink
Hi Judy,
Hi Judy,
You may use a slightly bigger size crochet hook to adjust your gauge. Happy crochet!
Louzi replied on Permalink
Très beau modèle mais il nous faut la deuxième partie en vidéo pour faire les manches et le MOTIF
Car les explications écrites je ne les comprends pas
Manasa B H replied on Permalink
I would love to crochet this
I would love to crochet this beautiful cardigan . Please help me with the no. Of foundation chains for 38" bust size. Thank you:-)
Sana replied on Permalink
Hi Manasa B H,
Hi Manasa B H,
For the chest circumference of 38", I would use the same number of foundation chain and work more rows until my back and front parts will be wide enough to the chest circumference accordingly. Happy crochet!
rashmi replied on Permalink
Dear sana... You made this
Dear sana... You made this cardigan upon my request.. Thanks a lot.. I will soon make it now and i'll post it... U r so kind
Sana replied on Permalink
Hi rashmi,
Hi rashmi,
I'll be glad to see your work. Happy crochet!