Yarn - Bernat Cotton-ish (color: Cotton Field) / light 3 / 2.4 oz (70 g) / 282 yards (258 m) / about 4.5 balls needed
Hooks - E/4 – 3.50 mm, F/5 – 3.75 mm, and G/6 4.25 mm or other size hooks needed for the gauge
Gauge - 2 repeats go into about 5 inches (12.7 cm)
Blouse Size - XS/S
Complexity - Advanced beginner

Blouse crochet pattern
Row-by-row crochet instructions
Begin crocheting the blouse from the top to bottom.
Make a foundation chain of 127 chs. Join it into a ring with the slip stitch.
Add 18 chs to have 144 chs or multiples of 16 chs.
1st round – ch2, sc5, inc1, [sc6, inc1] to end + sl.st.1 into 2nd ch
2nd round – ch3, dc2, ch1, sk1, [dc3, ch1, sk1] to end + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
3rd round – ch5, sk2, [dc3 under 1ch, ch2, sk3] to last 1ch; dc2 under 1ch + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
4th round – ch3, dc2 under arch of 2chs, ch2, [dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch2] to end + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
5th round – ch6, [dc3 under arch of 2chs, ch3] to last arch of 2chs; dc2 under arch of 2chs + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
6th round – sl.st.1, [sc1 under arch of 3chs, ch4, (dc3, ch1, dc3) under arch of 3chs, ch4] to end + sl.st.1 into 2nd ch
7th round – [ch3, sk4, dc3, (dc2, ch1, dc2) under 1ch, dc3, ch3, sk4, sl.st.1] to end
8th round – sl.st.4, ch3, dc4, (dc2, ch1, dc2) under 1ch, dc5, [sk7, dc5, (dc2, ch1, dc2) under 1ch, dc5] to end + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
9th round – ch5, (dc3, ch1, dc3) under 1ch, ch4, [sc1 under chs between 2 repeats, ch4, (dc3, ch1, dc3) under 1ch, ch4] to end + sl.st.1 into 1st ch
Repeat the pattern starting from the 7th round.
To widen the garment, work 12th, 13th, and 14th rounds using a larger size crochet hook.

Join back and front parts together
15th round – ch1, (ch4, (dc3, ch1, dc3) under 1ch, ch4, sc1 under chs between 2 repeats) x 6, ch18, sk three repeats, sc1 under chs between 2 repeats, (ch4, (dc3, ch1, dc3) under 1ch, ch4, sc1 under chs between 2 repeats) x 6, ch18, sk 3 repeats + sl.st.1 into 1st ch
16th round – [(ch3, sk4, dc3, (dc2, ch1, dc2) under 1ch, dc3, ch3, sk4, sl.st.1) x 6, ch3, sk4, dc5, ch1, dc5, ch3, sk4, sl.st.1] x 2
17th round = 8th round
18th round = 9th round
19th round = 7th round
Repeat the 3 rounds of the pattern until you crochet to about your waistline, then continue crocheting with a larger size crochet hook to widen the garment from the bottom.
sc to end
Decorate it with a ribbon.

[ ] – repeat
ch – chain
dc – double crochet
inc – increase – work 2 single crochets into one chain to increase 1 ch
sc – single crochet
sk – skip a chain
sl.st. – slip stitch
Blouse crochet pattern
Thank you for your
Thank you for your information. How many chains for the L or XL size.?
Hi disney,
Hi disney,
You may try to adjust your gauge by using larger size crochet hooks and thicker yarn to work the L size. The other option is to add 4 more repeats (one repeat for each shoulder part, and one repeat for each back and front parts). For that, make a foundation chain of 133 chs. Join it into a ring with the slip stitch.
1st round – ch2, sc to end + sl.st.1 into 2nd ch
2nd round – ch3, dc2 into the same ch, ch1, sk2, [dc3 into 1ch, ch1, sk2] to end + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
After the 2nd round you should have 44 repeats. Work 3 - 14 rounds totally the same as I did.
15th round – ch1, (ch4, (dc3, ch1, dc3) under 1ch, ch4, sc1 under chs between 2 repeats) x 7, ch18, sk 4 repeats, sc1 under chs between 2 repeats, (ch4, (dc3, ch1, dc3) under 1ch, ch4, sc1 under chs between 2 repeats) x 7, ch18, sk 4 repeats + sl.st.1 into 1st ch
Crochet following rounds as I did. Happy crocheting!
Hi Sana, I want to make this
Hi Sana, I want to make this for my size, I have all the crochet hook size on your pattern except 4.25, I have 4.50 instead.Should I follow your comment for L size. Pls advise. Thanks.
Thank you very much for your
Thank you very much for your prompt response.
Hi Sana!
Hi Sana!
I am glad to find your wonderful tutorials and thank you very much. I would love to make this but my yarn is thinner than yours and i would use hook 2mm. Would you please advise for L size with how many stitches to start with?
Thanking you in advance xxxx
Hi iliaktida,
Hi iliaktida,
To suggest you a number of chs to start with, I need to know your gauge. To practice the gauge, you may make a foundation chain of about 25 chs, and then follow the directions in the comment box. Happy crochet!
Apologies... my hook is 2.5mm
Apologies... my hook is 2.5mm not 2mm xxx
Hi again Sana,
Hi again Sana,
Thank you for your reply, much appreciated!
My gauge is 4 inches (10 cm exactly) for two repeats.
I already started it so enthusiastic to archive this... comes out 20 repeats, my size is L (UK12).
I attached for you a photo of the progress. If you think is wrong and I would need to start it over I will do.
Thanks again Sana, you are gorgeous.
Greetings from Greece xxx
Hi iliaktida,
Hi iliaktida,
In your case, I would add 6 more repeats (one repeat for each shoulder part, and two repeats for each back and front parts). For that, make a foundation chain of 145 chs. Join it into a ring with the slip stitch.
You may sc or dc your first round.
2nd round – ch3, dc2 into the same ch, ch1, sk2, [dc3 into 1ch, ch1, sk2] to end + sl.st.1 into 3rd ch
After the 2nd round you should have 48 repeats. Work 3 - 14 rounds totally the same as I did.
15th round – ch1, (ch4, (dc3, ch1, dc3) under 1ch, ch4, sc1 under chs between 2 repeats) x 8, ch18, sk 4 repeats, sc1 under chs between 2 repeats, (ch4, (dc3, ch1, dc3) under 1ch, ch4, sc1 under chs between 2 repeats) x 8, ch18, sk 4 repeats + sl.st.1 into 1st ch
In case you want to widen the garment even more, you may add 2 repeats under each arm instead of one.
Crochet following rounds as I did. Happy crocheting!
Thank you very much Sana! God
Thank you very much Sana! God bless you.
I will do as per your instructions and i will let you have a look on the results xx