Part 2 video tutorial
First front shoulder piece
Reuse the initial foundation chain. Attach the yarn into the very first ch and make 3 chains to pick up the height.
Use the same number of repeats for each shoulder piece.
1st row (right side) – dc1, ch2, sk2, sc1, (ch5, sk4, sc1) x 12, ch2, sk2, dc2 + RC2
2nd row = 2nd row (back part)
3rd row = 3rd row (back part)
4th row = 4th row (back part)
5th row – h5ch, dc1, ch2, sk2, sc1, [ch5, sk5, sc1] to last 4chs; ch2, sk2, dc2 + ch47*
*make 47 chs or multiples of 5 chs plus 7 additional chs.
Second front shoulder piece
Reuse the initial foundation chain. Attach the yarn into 68th chain from the end.
Make 3 chs to pick up the height.
1st row (right side) – dc1, ch2, sk2, sc1, [ch5, sk4, sc1] to last 4chs; ch2, sk2, dc2 + RC2
2nd row = 2nd row (back part)
3rd row = 3rd row (back part)
4th row = 4th row (back part)
Join shoulder pieces together
5th row – dc2, ch2, sk2, sc1, [ch5, sk5, sc1] to last 4chs; ch2, sk2, dc2 + RC2
6th row – h4ch, sc1, ch5, sk5, [sc inc., ch5, sk5] to 47chs; (sc inc., ch5, sk4) x 10, [sc inc., ch5, sk5] to last 2chs; sc2 + RC3
7th row = 3rd row (back part)
8th row = 4th row (back part)
9th row = 5th row (back part)
10th row = 2th row (back part)
Repeat the pattern starting from the 7th row.
Repeat the last 4 rows of the pattern using a different color yarn and a smaller size crochet hook. After that, begin to decrease chains.
Front part decrease
50th row – h4ch, sc1, ch5, sk5, [sc inc., ch5, sk5] to last 2 repeats; sc1, sk5, trc1
51st row – h2ch,, ch1, sk1,, (ch4, sc1 under chs) x 3, ch2, sk2, [dc dec., ch2, sk2, sc inc., ch2, sk2] to last 2 chs; dc2 + RC2
52nd row – h4ch, sc1, [ch2, sk2, dc dec., ch2, sk2, sc1] to last 5 dc decs of prev.row; (ch4, sk5, sc1) x 4, sk5, trc1
53rd row – h2ch,, ch1, sk1,, (ch4, sc1 under chs) x 3, [ch5, sk5, sc1] to last 4chs; ch2, sk2, dc2 + RC2
54th row – h4ch, sc1, ch5, sk5, [sc inc., ch5, sk5] to last 2 dc decs or last 2 arches of 5chs; sc1, sk5, trc1
55th row =51st row
56th row = 52nd row
57th row = 53rd row
58th row = 54th row
59th row = 51st row
60th row = 52nd row
61st row = 53rd row
62nd row – h4ch, sc1, ch5, sk5, sc1, sk5, trc1
63rd row – h2ch,, ch1, sk1,, ch2, sk2, sc2
Finish up
Double crochet around all your edges.
Make two ties. For each tie chain 152 chs, h2ch, to end. Adjust the top’s size with ties.
Sana replied on Permalink
Hi Tina,
Hi Tina,
I'm glad that you like my work. I crochet the way I crochet and not like someone else you saw. If you have any questions, please ask in order not to jump into wrong conclusions. I always try to help as much as I can and try to answer questions on my website at the earliest. When I make a foundation chain, I count all the chains including the chain on my hook for all my crochet projects. It is necessary to watch the video to see in which chain I start crocheting at the beginning of a row. Then you will be able to match my work to yours. One more time, please ask questions. Happy crochet!