Yarn 1 - Bernat Cotton-ish (color: Lemon Twill) / light 3 / 2.4 oz (70 g) / 282 yards (258 m) / 4 balls needed
Yarn 2 - Bernat Cotton-ish (color: Cotton field) / light 3 / 2.4 oz (70 g) / 282 yards (258 m) / less than 1 ball needed
Hook - 1 (2.75 mm) or other size hooks needed for the gauge
Gauge - About 1 pineapple in 3 inches (8 centimeters)
Blouse Size - US 6 - 8
Complexity - Intermediate

Crochet women’s sweater - pineapple stitch
Step-by-step crochet instructions
Step 1
Make a foundation chain of 140 chain stitches. Work sl.st.1 to join the last chain of the foundation chain with the very first one to continue crocheting in the round.
Step 2
1st round – sc to end plus sl.st.1
Separate (Sep.) the total number of chains to 4 pieces: back, front, and 2 shoulder pieces
Sep – (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch
2nd round :
- back piece – ch3, dc1 in sm.ch., [ch2,sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk2, (sc1, ch3, sk2) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk2, dc2 on 1ch] x 2, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, Sep.1
- 1st shoulder piece – ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, Sep.1
- front piece – [ch2,sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk2, (sc1, ch3, sk2) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk2, dc2 on 1ch] x 2, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, Sep.1
- 2nd shoulder piece – ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1 + sl.st.1*
*sl.st. - in between of the initial 3chs and the very 1st dc of the round.
Step 3
Work 2 repeats with 1 ending for each back & front pieces and 1 repeat with 1 ending for each shoulder piece
Repeat (Rep.) one for the 3rd round – [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch]
Ending (End.) of a piece for the 3rd round – [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, Sep1]
3rd round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.2, End.1, (1st shoulder) Rep.1, End.1, (front) Rep.2, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.1, ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Step 4
Rep. for the 4th round – ch2, sk3, tr5 in sm.op., ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch
End. of a piece for the 4th round – ch2, sk3, tr5 in sm.op., ch2, sk3, Sep.1
4th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.2, End.1, (1st shoulder), Rep.1, End.1, (front) Rep.2, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.1, ch2, sk3, tr5 in sm.op., ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Step 5
Rep (5th round) – ch2, sk3, dc1, (dc2 on 1ch) x 4, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch
End. of a piece (5th round) – ch2, sk3, dc1, (dc2 on 1ch) x 4, ch2, sk3, Sep.1
5th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.2, End.1, (1st shoulder), Rep.1, End.1, (front) Rep.2, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.1, ch2, sk3, dc1, (dc2 on 1ch) x 4, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Step 6
Rep (6th round) – ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk5, dc2 on 1ch
End. of a piece (6th round) – ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk3, Sep.1
6th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.2, End.1, (1st shoulder), Rep.1, End.1, (front) Rep.2, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.1, ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Step 7
Increase (Inc) for the 7th round – ch1, dc1, ch1, dc2 on 1ch
Rep (7th round) – ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch
End. of a piece (7th round) – ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, dc1, ch1, Sep.1
7th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Inc.1, Rep.2, End.1, (1st shoulder), Inc.1, Rep.1, End.1, (front) Inc.1, Rep.2, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Inc.1, Rep.1, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, dc1, ch1 + sl.st.1*
Step 8
Inc (8th round) – ch2, sk1, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk2, dc2 on 1ch
Rep (8th round) – ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch
End. of a piece (8th round) – ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, Sep.1
8th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Inc.1, Rep.2, End.1, (1st shoulder), Inc.1 Rep.1, End.1, (front) Inc.1, Rep.2, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Inc.1, Rep.1, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk2 + sl.st.1*
Step 9
Repeat the pattern starting from the 4th round, working 3 repeats for each back & front pieces with 1 ending and 2 repeats for each shoulder piece with 1 ending
Rep (9th round) = Rep (4th round)
End (9th round) = End (4th round)
9th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.3, End.1, (1st shoulder), Rep.2, End.1, (front) Rep.3, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.2, ch2, sk3, tr5 in sm.op., ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Rep (10th round) = Rep (5th round)
End (10th round) = End (5th round)
10th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.3, End.1, (1st shoulder), Rep.2, End.1, (front) Rep.3, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.2, ch2, sk3, dc1, (dc2 on 1ch) x 4, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Rep (11th round) = Rep (6th round)
End (11th round) = End (6th round)
11th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.3, End.1, (1st shoulder), Rep.2, End.1, (front) Rep.3, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.2, ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Step 10
Add one more pineapple on each of the 4 pieces. Work 4 repeats and one ending on each back & front pieces and 3 repeats and 1 ending on each shoulder piece.
Inc (12th round) = Inc (7th round)
Rep (12th round) = Rep (7th round)
End (12th round) = End (7th round)
12th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Inc.1, Rep.3, End.1, (1st shoulder) Inc.1, Rep.2, End.1, (front) Inc.1, Rep.3, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Inc.1, Rep.2, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, dc1, ch1 + sl.st.1*
Inc (13th round) = Inc (8th round)
Rep (13th round) = Rep (8th round)
End (13th round) = End (8th round)
13th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Inc.1, Rep.3, End.1, (1st shoulder) Inc.1, Rep.2, End.1, (front) Inc.1, Rep.3, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Inc.1, Rep.2, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk2 + sl.st.1*
Rep (14th round) = Rep (4th round)
End (14th round) = End (4th round)
14th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.4, End.1, (1st shoulder), Rep.3, End.1, (front) Rep.4, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.3, ch2, sk3, tr5 in sm.op., ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Rep (15th round) = Rep (5th round)
End (15th round) = End (5th round)
15th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.4, End.1, (1st shoulder), Rep.3, End.1, (front) Rep.4, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.3, ch2, sk3, dc1, (dc2 on 1ch) x 4, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Rep (16th round) = Rep (6th round)
End (16th round) = End (6th round)
16th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.4, End.1, (1st shoulder), Rep.3, End.1, (front) Rep.4, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.3, ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Step 11
Join front and back pieces together, skipping the shoulder pieces
Work the 17th round like 7th round, but without adding pineapples.
Rep (17th round) = Rep (7th round)
End (17th round) – ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 in Sep.op., ch5
17th round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.4, End.1, (1st shoulder) skip, (front) dc2 in Sep.op., Rep.4, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) skip + sl.st.1*
Step 12
Crochet in the round
18th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.op, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch] to last 7chs; ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
19th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.op, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, [ch2, sk3, tr5 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch] to last 9 chs; ch2, sk3, tr5 on 1ch, ch2, sk3 and sl.st.1*
20th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.op, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, [ch2, sk3, dc1, (dc2 on 1ch) x 4, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch] to last 11 chs; ch2, sk3, dc1, (dc2 on 1ch) x 4, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
21st round – ch3, dc1 in sm.op, ch1, sk5, dc2 on 1ch, [ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch1, sk5, dc2 on 1ch] to last 15chs; ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
22nd round – ch3, dc1 on sm.op, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch, [ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch] to last 21chs; ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2,sk4 + sl.st.1*
23rd round – ch3, dc1 in sm.op, ch2, sk2, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, [ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch] to last 17chs; ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4 + sl.st.1*
24th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.op, ch2, sk2, tr5 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, [ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, tr5 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch] to last 13chs; ch2, sk4, sc1, ch3, sk3, sc1, ch2, sk4 + sl.st.1*
25th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.op, ch2, sk2, dc1, (dc2 on 1ch) x 4, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, [ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc1, (dc2 on 1ch) x 4, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch] to last 9chs; ch2, sk4, sc1, ch2, sk4 + sl.st.1*
26th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.op, ch2, sk2, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, [ch1, sk5, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk3, (sc1, ch3, sk1) x 4, sc1, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch] to last 5chs; ch1, sk5 + sl.st.1*
27th round – ch3, dc1 in sm.op, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch, [ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 3, sc1, ch2,sk4, dc2 on 1ch] to last 3 chs; ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1 + sl.st.1*
Repeat the pattern starting from the 18th round until you crochet the desired length of the garment.
Step 13 (optional)
Crochet last few rounds of the fabric using a different color of the yarn.
Work the round of sc around the neck with the other yarn as well.
Step 14
Attach the yarn and crochet the pineapple pattern in the round (repeat steps 12 and 13).

ch – chain
dc – double crochet
dc in sm.op. – double crochet in the same opening
dc2 on 1ch – double crochet two on one chain
dc2 on Sep.op. – double crochet two in a separation opening between dc1, ch1, dc1 of a prev. round
End – ending of each of the 4 parts (back, front, and 2 shoulder pieces)
Inc – increase of a pineapple
Rep – one repeat of the pattern
sc – single crochet
Sep – separation between the 4 pieces – dc1, ch1, dc1 in the same opening between dc1, ch1, dc1 of a previous round
sk – skip a base chain
sl.st. – slip stitch
tr – triple crochet
Pineapple stitch sweater crochet pattern
Hi Luz,
Hi Luz,
Glad that you decided to make this sweater. In your case, I would make a foundation chain of 169 chs or (8 x 19) + (4 x 4) +1. Try to work the chains as tightly as you can. And it is necessary to work the shoulder pieces of the 2nd round a little bit differently. Otherwise, the neckline might be too wide.
2nd round :
- back piece – ch3, dc1 in sm.ch., [ch2,sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk2, (sc1, ch3, sk2) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk2, dc2 on 1ch] x 3, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, Sep.1
- 1st shoulder piece – ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk2, (sc1, ch3, sk2) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk2, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, Sep.1
- front piece – [ch2,sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk2, (sc1, ch3, sk2) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk2, dc2 on 1ch] x 3, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, Sep.1
- 2nd shoulder piece – ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk2, (sc1, ch3, sk2) x 3, sc1, ch2, sk2, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk1, dc1, ch2, sk1 + sl.st.1*
All the rest should be pretty much the same. The next part is coming soon. Happy crocheting!
Hi Luz,
Hi Luz,
Repeat (Rep.) one for the 3rd round – [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch]
Ending (End.) of a piece for the 3rd round – [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, Sep1]
3rd round – (back) ch3, dc1 in sm.op., Rep.2, End.1, (1st shoulder) Rep.1, End.1, (front) Rep.2, End.1, and (2nd shoulder) Rep.1, ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
In your chase, you need to work 3 repeats and 1 ending because your foundation chain is longer.
To read the instruction properly, it is necessary to replace each repeat (Rep.) with the info in the brackets above. Do the same for each End.
3rd round –
- (back) - ch3, dc1 in sm.op., [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch] x 3, [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, Sep1],
- (1st shoulder) - [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch], [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, Sep1],
- (front) - [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch] x 3, [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, Sep1]
- (2nd shoulder) - [ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3, dc2 on 1ch, ch2, sk4, (sc1, ch3, sk3) x 2, sc1, ch2, sk4, dc2 on 1ch], ch2, sk3, (dc1, ch1, dc1) on 1ch, ch2, sk3 + sl.st.1*
Now you see what I meant by trying to make the written instruction shorter.
Hi Luz,
Hi Luz,
I crocheted the 2nd round. The number of chains is correct. I didn't work the 1st round of sc stitches. Hope this will help.
Hi. I'm a size 4. How many
Hi. I'm a size 4. How many foundation chain do I need?
Hi , I just want to share
Hi , I just want to share that I made 2 pcs. of this raglan.
Thank you for sharing your
Thank you for sharing your work with us, Luz. I like your choice of color. You did an excellent job. Congratulations!
Hi Interunet, here's the
Hi Interunet, here's the yellow one.
This raglan sweater looks
This raglan sweater looks just like mine. Thanks again for sharing.
Hello, many thanks for
Hello, many thanks for sharing this pattern. I'm actually making it now and am at round 20. I tried it on and realised that it is a little too snug for me. How can i make it bigger to fit me?
Hi gwen4936,
Hi gwen4936,
I would advise you to use a one or two sizes larger crochet hook (whatever you have) to adjust your gauge or try crocheting more loosely. The drawback of the second option is that it might be hard to keep the same tension throughout the project, depending on your crochet skills. Since you are on round 20 already, it is necessary to frog/rip about 6 rounds and work it again with the larger hook. Happy crocheting!