What is better go to study or go to work after high school?
Advantages of going to study
You will get a degree you always wanted. Studying will increase your marketability and self-confidence. You might make valuable connections while in school and get help in finding the first job. You will get opportunity for better career and life not only for yourself, but for your loved ones as well.
Disadvantages of going to school
You should sacrifice your social life for the period of studying. You will be more tired and busy for everyone even for your kids (if any). You have to spend lots of money or take a student loan.
Advantages of going to work after high school
You will get money right away and can spend it the way you want it. You can travel and lead your social life the way you used to.
Disadvantages of working after high school
You might get stuck with that first type of job and feel miserable there. If you want to change it you can get only pretty much the same as your previous one. There is almost no chance for improvement or growth in your skills and career. With some years you might start to regret that you didn’t go study while still young.
Why student go to work after high school?
There are many reasons for that, some students just don’t want to study. They don’t want to face any other additional worries and difficulties in their life that they already have. On the other hand, many students need money on the first place to sustain themselves or their families. Some young people become parents too early.
How to combine work and study?
For many students it is common to work and study. They sacrifice their social life in most cases for the period of studying, but it is well worth it. Of course, it is hard to come back from work and try to make yourself to do your homework, but if you plan your time ahead and get used to some certain schedule then you will definitely can cope with everything.
What is potential risk while going to study? Why students quitting schools?
Even if a student made himself to go to college, there is some percentage of those who didn’t make study till the end. It can be a financial side of the situation and personal. Some students might get a better job while studying in the college and opt for money and not for pursuing their degree further. Other students might face serious problems at home, work, or relationship that can push them to quitting the school. In very rare cases students even can burn out if they study unwisely. Normally students are ambitious and want good grades or need to have high GPA. However, you should know yourself and don’t over study because it might be harmful to your health. As old say that what not kill us, make us stronger, but this statement might not work for everybody. Decide for yourself what is more important for you in order to concentrate on that most. Learn how to balance between your personal ambitious and the real advantage from that to judge better whether it is worthwhile. Your main goal is to get a degree which leads you to a better life and not to any kind of problems.