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Disadvantages of renting a house


Among many advantages of renting there are some disadvantages as well. It is always better to live your own life without depending on anyone else. In addition, no one wants to be told what to do. When you are rent the biggest problems with that might be limits because the landlord will set the rules since it is his property and not yours.

Signing a contract

Many landlords want you to sign a year lease agreement. Tenants need to occupy the property for the whole 12 month and if they move earlier renters still have to pay for the whole period regardless shorter period of staying in the house. Majority of people try to avoid such long-term commitments.


Landlords try to attract tenants by doing some renovations, but commonly they are cheap. Even though everything might be in decent condition, but having everything standard and least expensive options might not satisfy your expectations. Usually on rent there are only absolutely necessary things like a refrigerator, stove, and microwave. However, a tenant might not be provided with dishwasher or allowed to install one.

Rent fee might go up annually

Owner of rental property might do some remodeling every year and increase your rental payments accordingly.

Moving expense

It might be costly and time consuming to move from one rent to the other one especially for a single woman. That way you will need to pay not only for renting a vehicle, but to movers also.

Bad landlord

Usually all landlords are smiley and nice from the beginning and then later they might show their real faces. It is especially the case when a tenant rents an apartment in the same building with the owner. The more often a renter sees the property owner the more likely the occupant will have the conflict of interest with this person.


You might be limited on how many people can live in the house otherwise the rental payments will be increased.


If you leave in the same building with the owner, your landlord might even open some of your mails. He will learn always where your mails come from. Even though it might not be any secret whatsoever, but still it is none of anyone’s business. Everyone needs privacy and confidentiality.


In many cases there are no private washing machine and drier. Tenants force to use public laundry facilities and pay for that. Even if you need to go just in the basement of the building it is still inconvenience for many people.


If there is no central air-conditioning in the building, you will need to purchase few air-conditioners which cost about $200 each. In addition, a tenant would have to install them in the windows every summer himself / herself. When for a man it is still ok to do it, but for a woman it might be a problem because this devise is heavy.

Waste of money

When a tenant pays rent he often doesn’t feel like it is simple throwing money without having anything back. But the sum of rent payments during lifetime might be equal to purchase price of a decent house. It is true you normally spend less every month if renting a property in comparison to paying 30-years mortgage with 4% - 5% interest rate, but after 30 years it is your house. While renting you help someone to pay off loan and getting nothing for yourself.