Pros and cons of a new sedan. Toyota Camry – 100 miles in the first week of ownership. Car review and driving performance in the city.

Things we like
Quite inside
2016 Toyota Camry is very quiet inside. You hear the starter, but once the engine picks up, there is very little noise coming from the motor. After pushing the gas pedal, the engine becomes more noticeable, but the noise is still very low. The cabin is well soundproof and you here very little noise from the city traffic or tires.
Comfortable to drive
For a midsize sedan the vehicle has very spacious cabin. Driver’s seat in 2016 Toyota Camry installed relatively high and there is very well opened view through the sides and rear windows. Blind spots certainly present, but because of a great surroundings visibility it is hard to miss the car in blind spots if you just slightly look on a side.
Smooth transmission
Six-speed automatic transmission works well during driving in the city. It changes gears very smoothly, and the engine typically doesn’t go over 2,500 rpm.
Backup camera is useful in the city
There are two sides of using a backup camera in 2016 Toyota Camry. First, you must get used to this feature if you want to use it. As I didn’t own the vehicle with a backup camera before, for me it is much easier and faster to backup during parallel parking without using a camera. But if the space is limited it is very convenient feature – just to check how far the vehicle from your rear bumper.
Vehicle with one of the best breaking system
One of the most important aspects of safety is how quickly the car will stop after pushing a brake pedal. From the first 100 miles of driving in the city, I must say, this car has an excellent breaking system. We didn’t try it on ice yet, but even on the wet paved roads the car does very well.

There are few things we already do not like as for now…
A lot of cheap interior finish materials
It’s not annoying, but there are lots of cheap plastic used in interior finish. Looks like even the floor covered with low end synthetic carpet.
The computer shows 17 to 21 miles per gallon fuel economy after each ride
We didn’t complete any fuel economy tests yet, but after each drive computer shows very poor fuel economy in the city.
Standard Michelin tires doesn’t perform well on wet road
Factory installed tires simply sliding if you want to accelerate faster from the standing position. Seems like all-season Firestone tires installed on my Nissan Maxima performed better at this point.
Moderate acceleration
There are few vehicles I own, and quite few test drove. Compare to my previous car – Nissan Maxima with 3.5L V6, our new Toyota Camry doesn’t accelerate in first few seconds as well as Nissan, but it might be due to its less powerful 2.5L engine.
2016 Toyota Camry - first impression